Community Picnic

By | June 25, 2008

Saturday, July 5 2008 5:00 PM

Salaam Alaykum,

Insha’All-h we will have our Community Picnic on July 5th (Saturday) at the Center. Please join us with your family for a fun filled afternoon. The cost is $5.00 per serving which will include the famous BBQ by Br. Murtaza Khani. There will be many other food items as well as lots of great family time for all.

The program is from 5:00 PM until Maghrib. We plan on having fireworks after Salat-e-Maghribaen. There will be plenty of firework items to purchase. Due to strict regulations, only select types of items will be for sale. Please do not bring your own fireworks. We will be glad to furnish them to you.

Please let Br. Jameel Agha know how many folks are coming from your family. We do not want to be short on food. Br. Jameel’s phone number is 913-901-7613.

See you all there, Insha’All-h.

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