Salaam Alaykum,
The Az-Zahra Center will hold a children’s competition for Quran Recitation. Sister Farzaneh Jafari will be coordinating the competition.
Age groups for the competition:
Group A: 6 to 11 years
Group B: 12 to 16 years
Children can be enrolled by contacting Sister Farzaneh or an Az-Zahra board member. They can then start recitation and track progress in the recitation log. Parents will need to sign each log entry. This log needs to be turned in by Sunday, June 10th 2018.
1st Prize – Whoever recites the most Quran
Grand Prize – Recitation of the entire Quran
1st Special Prize – Recitation of three-quarters of the Quran
2nd Special Prize – Recitation of half of the Quran
3rd Special Prize – Recitation of a quarter of the Quran
For children under 6 years the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place will be determined by the number of Surahs they have memorized.
In case of a tie, these prizes will be shared.