Sunday School Parent-Teacher Conference

By | July 29, 2015

Sunday, August 2nd 2015 12:00 PM

Salaam Alaykum,

The staff of the Sunday School would like to invite parents to attend a short conference on Sunday, August 2nd at noon.

Please attend and give your input regarding the content, activities, and anything else that could help improve our school. We value your opinion and feedback and hope you will participate in this year’s educational activities.

The minutes for parents and teachers meeting on Sunday August 2nd, 2015

  • Sunday school will start on Aug 23rd
  • We will have a library and are looking for a contributor for designed furniture
  • It was suggested to give accountability to parents and students to do the homework. Another suggestion was asking students to do their homework at school before going home.
  • Enshaallah, we will have note books, erasers, sharpeners for students ready and we are asking parents to provide a back-pack and a small notebook for writing the assigned assignments.
  • Enshaallah, we will have a booklet for the teaching material from teachers to each family.
  • It was suggested if possible parents bring home-made food if possible and limit the purchase of pizza for lunch at Sunday school.
  • It was suggested that parents sign the assignment booklet so each student does the home work for school.
  • We will have a fun day for ice-cream social and a ride in limousine around town.
  • It was suggested to have parents to car pool to school.
  • Family nights are back in session, third Friday of the each month.
  • It was suggested to have an announcement for birthdays on board.