Category Archives: Archive

Majlis-e-Shahadat Imam Muhammad al-Baqir (a.s.)

Sunday, November 14th 2010 12:30 PM Salaam Alaykum, Insha Allah Ta’ala Majlis-e-Shahadat Imam Muhammad al-Baqir (a.s.) will be held at the Az-Zahra Center on Sunday, November 14th 2010 at 12:30 PM after Sunday School. Food is Pot Luck

Eid al-Adha Prayers

Wednesday, November 17th 2010 9:00 AM Salaam Alaykum, Insha’Allah Ta’ala, Eid al-Adha Prayers will be held on Wednesday, November 17th 2010 9:00 AM at the Az-Zahra Center. Light refreshments, dessert, sweets are all welcome after Eid Prayers! Announcement Regarding Crescent Sighting for Thil-Hijjah 1431 AH

Special Election

Sunday, December 5th 2010 2:00 PM A special election is planned for Sunday, December 5th 2010 at 2:00 PM to fill a position for the Board of Trustees of the Az-Zahra Center. If you would like to contest for the one open position for the Board of Trustees you must complete the candidate form and… Read More »

Eid-e-Ghadeer Celebration

Wednesday, November 24th 2010 7:00 PM Insha’Allah Ta’ala the program to celebrate Eid-e-Ghadeer will be held at the Az-Zahra Center on Wednesday, November 24th 2010 at 7:00 PM. Dinner is Pot-Luck

Sunday School Cancelled

Sunday, November 28th 2010 Salaam Alaykum, Sunday School for Sunday, November 28th has been cancelled. The school will resume with its regular schedule starting next week.

Special Election Cancelled

Sunday, December 5th 2010 The special election planned for December 5th 2010 has been cancelled. Br. Amjad Qalbani has successfully retained his position in the Az-Zahra Board of Trustees as an uncontested candidate for the 2011-2014 term.

Eid-e-Mubahila Celebration

Thursday, December 2nd 2010 7:00 PM Insha Allah Ta’ala Eid-e-Mubahila Celebration will be held at the Az-Zahra Center on Thursday, December 2nd 2010 at 7:00 PM. Dinner is Pot-Luck.

Majalis-e-Aza for Muharram 1st-12th, 1432 AH

Thursday, December 16th 2010 10:30 AM The program on the day of Ashura will be as follows: 10:30 am   Aamal of the Day of Ashura 2:00 pm   Majlis-e-Aza and Lunch (will be Pot Luck) 5:30 pm   Majlis-e-Sham-e-Gharibaan (after Maghribain Prayers)     Dinner (will be Pot Luck)       Starting Tuesday,… Read More »

Weekend Majalis until Arbaeen

Sunday school for 12/12/2010, 12/19/2010, 12/26/2010, and 01/02/2011 has been cancelled Saturday’s, starting December 18th 2010 6:45 PM Inshallah, Majlis-e-Aza will be held every Saturday night until Arbaeen at the Az-Zahra Center starting December 18th at 6:45 PM. Dinner will be Pot-Luck.