Category Archives: Archive


Hajj Massoud We have heard many stories about the heart, which is called the temple of All-h, the place of emanation of His Love. There are many questions and yet so few or perhaps no conclusive answers regarding the mysteries of love. So many intricacies surround the concept of love that it shatters the might… Read More »

Cleanliness in Islam

Islamic laws and decrees are established by Almighty God due to His absolute knowledge and utmost consideration for humanity as He assists us in our material and spiritual journey. The wisdom behind some recommendations and commands is obvious: almost everyone appreciates the basic aspects of a rule such as washing one’s hands prior to eating. The philosophy behind other rules is not so readily apparent. Some of these “dos and don’ts” allude to unknown outcomes or associations: making Wudhoo’ (ablution) before a meal is said to increase one’s Rizq (provisions).

Update on the Center

Jameel Agha The most daunting challenge the Board faces today is to find a place of our own. A place for our community to meet and worship together; conduct classes for our children and youth; meet and enjoy fellowship with each other; and grow into a vibrant community. Our target was to stay within $300,000… Read More »

School Program: Jul 2005

Saturday July 9, 16, 23, and 30 2005 3:00 PM – 5:00 PM Location: Roeland Park Community Center 4850 Rosewood Drive Roeland Park, KS 66205 For ages 6 through 15 years The summer program offers classes in Farsi and Deeniyat. Children ages 6 through 8 will have individual and group activities including listening to stories… Read More »

Community Meeting

Saturday Aug 06, 2005 6:00 PM Location: Roeland Park Community Center 4850 Rosewood Drive, Roeland Park KS Meeting to discuss Az-Zahra issues. Please bring your questions, ideas and concerns. The agenda will be posted on the web site by Aug 5th. Tea and Snacks will be provided.

Community Meeting

Friday Oct 7, 2005 7:00 PM to 10:00 PM Insha Allah Ta’ala we will have: – Maghrebain Prayers – Iftaar and Dinner (PotLuck) – Discuss Az-Zahra’s progress Location: Tomahawk Ridge Community Center (MultiPurpose Room) 11902 Lowell Ave Overland Park, KS 66213

Community Meeting

Friday Oct 14, 2005 7:00 PM to 10:00 PM Insha Allah Ta’ala we will have: – Maghrebain Prayers – Iftaar and Dinner (Pot Luck) Location: Tomahawk Ridge Community Center (Multi-Purpose Room) 11902 Lowell Ave Overland Park, KS 66213 Those who have pledged generously, please bring your check along with you.

Donations for Earthquake Relief

As you are aware, a large number of Muslims have been affected by the recent earthquake in Pakistan. Donations for the victims will be collected at this Friday’s iftaar and distributed directly in Pakistan. Please donate generously.

Youth Program

Sunday October 16, 2005 2:30 PM to 4:00 PM Following are the details for the Az-Zahra Sunday School Youth Program: Subject: The month of Ramadhan Presenter: TBD Location: Roeland Park Community Center 4850 Rosewood Drive Roeland Park, KS 66205